Our Groups

Society of St Vincent de Paul

St Joseph’s SVP Conference, provides friendship and support, principally through short regular visits and lifts to those who are at home or in residential homes or hospital.  To find out more, or if you would like a visit, contact us at svp@stjopickering.org.


Music adds greatly to the beauty and worshipful atmosphere of the 11 am Mass on Sundays.  Our team of musicians are always keen to hear of parishioners who may be able to help. Please speak to one of them after Mass.

Flower Arrangers 

For most of the year, the sanctuary is adorned with fresh flowers.  If you want to join the team of Flower Arrangers, please speak to any of the people on our rota.

Church Cleaners 

The team of Church Cleaners help keep the church in tiptop shape.  Before the great feasts, it’s all hands on deck!

For more information on any of our groups, email groups@stjopickering.com.